Mut’s Congressional Draft, Round #9: Kentucky

Background: Home of the Derby, Kentucky is known for horses, bourbon, and sportsmen–and there’s a Congressional Caucus for each of the them!

Instant Positive 2s: Preserving Social Security is an instant positive two, as well as taking advantage of being named as an opportunity zone in Obama’s economic agenda.

Instant Negative 2s: Anyone who boasts about voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act. That is a waste of taxpayers’ money (at least at this point in time) right there.

Most Positive Feelings Towards a Candidate: Whitfield easily takes this one, scoring over 50 points on my point scale–which is rare air indeed.

Most Negative Feelings Towards a Candidate: That would be Whitfield’s opponent, Hatchett, with his overwhelming religious overtones…and he’s a Democrat to boot!

Ideal Candidates of Kentucky:
1st: Whitfield (R)
2nd: Leach (D)
3rd: Yarmuth (D)

Too Close to Call: The 6th District’s Jensen-Barr race is too close to call, as is the Grimes-McConnell Senate race.

Candidates with Websites Unavailable: That would be the opponents of incumbents in the 4th and 5th districts.

If I had my Way: Kentucky, at first glance, is a purple state, with two Democrats and one Republican.

Total Count: This brings the count to:
House: 44 Democrats, 37 Republicans, and 10 too close to call
Senate: 4 Democrats, 2 Republicans, and 2 too close to call
Governor: 2 Democrats, 2 Republicans, and 2 too close to call

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